BitTorrent has released an update for its file synchronisation app called BitTorrent Sync to bump the version up to 2.3 and add a number of features for its users. One of the major additions is the ability to add encryption to a folder.
BitTorrent Sync allows users to move files from one device to another over local network or the Internet. Among other features in Sync 2.3 is Encrypted Folder. It gives users the three keys when encrypting a folder. The Read-Write key allows a peer to access and modify the content, whereas the Read-Only key allows a peer to access and decrypt the file. The Encryption key allows a user to provide an offsite snapshot of his data to a peer without giving it direct access to the file. Here’s how the company has described it:
“Read-Write key. The Read-Write key allows peer to talk with Read-Write, Read-Only and Encrypted peers and modify files in the folder. Read-Write keys start with D.
Read-Only key. The Read-Only key allows peer to talk with Read-Write, Read-Only, and Encrypted peers and to receive file updates to a folder and decrypt it. Read-Only keys that support encrypted folders start with E.
Encrypted key. The Encrypted key allows peer talk with Read-Write, Read-Only, and Encrypted peers and to receive updates to folder without the ability to decrypt or modify it. Encrypted keys start with F.”
Other features include the ability to run the app as a service (as opposed to a program) on Windows. The option allows the app to run even when the device is not logged in. The Android app now also allows users to move data to and from a microSD card on Android devices.