Today, as we conduct much of our business and personal tasks and communications with a flew taps on a Smartphone, it’s easy to sit back and take the advances of the current technological revolution for granted. However, people who are old enough to remember back to the days of rotary (or even push button) phones and black and white TVs know very well
how much things have changed, and are unlikely to treat these advances casually. While silicon wafer suppliers continue to create products that will lead to even more radical changes in society, the rest of us are mostly just content to enjoy all the conveniences these changes in technology have brought.

From One TV and One Phone To Many

The digital and technological revolution we are currently enjoying really had its roots in the earlier part of the last century, when radio and then television were first launched to a welcoming public. More advances came in the 1960s when color television sets became more and more common, and the IBM Company began developing some of the ideas that would later lead to the creation of home computers. Things really took off in the 1970s, however, when innovators like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs took all of these discoveries and launched two major companies that produced user-friendly home computers.

It’s funny today to look back and think how large the first computers were and how slowly they ran, but these models were pretty much the standard until the mid-2000s, when laptop computers replaced desktops, and the whole model began to get smaller and more compact.

Today, we live in a world of easy computer access, and children today have no idea what a computer-less world could possibly look like. The revolution has certainly arrived, and while there are some pros and cons to it, most of us are quite happy it’s arrived.

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