Last July, Twitter finally released Night Mode for its mobile app, which brings a much darker UI when scrolling through your timeline. There’s been a Chrome extension since last September that brought similar functionality to Twitter on your desktop/laptop, but it now looks like Twitter is officially testing out its Night Mode directly…

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Night Mode for Twitter on the desktop doesn’t change the way that the site works, but it does make the site look a lot nicer (depending on who you ask) and considerably easier on the eyes for late-light Tweeting. Any traces of white have been replaced with a dark gray, and the end result is really something to behold.
I was able to access Night Mode on desktop by clicking on my profile photo and then the Night Mode tab at the very bottom of the pop-up list. No one else on the 9to5 team seems to have access to this quite yet, so Twitter’s either slowly rolling the feature out or just testing it with a select few users.
There’s currently no ETA as to when Night Mode for desktop will be available for all Twitter users, but until then, you can admire the gallery below.